
Inside of my guitar

Inside of my guitar Bellamy Brothers

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想當然爾 我所知道的西洋歌曲也極為有限
這首情歌 對我而言
想起來了麼? 是哪個廣告的主題曲?
(太幼齒的 就不用繼續傷腦筋了~)

這首西洋歌曲 應該許多人都有印象
不過 可能很多人的印象是另一個版本....

我們來聽聽Tracy的詮釋 感覺上有怎麼樣的差別

Inside of my guitar 黃鶯鶯Tracy

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Now, there's a place I want to show you
And don't you know it's not too far
And there's a place I want to know you
Inside of my guitar

In my guitar there is a garden
Where rainbows bloom and shine like stars
If you say no, I beg your pardon
Come inside of my guitar

I'll make you laugh
And make you sing
And we can play among the stars
And we'll make love and dance beneath the strings
Inside of my guitar

Now, there's a feeling that I'm after
So please don't think my love's bizarre
But I hear music, girl, and laughter
Inside of my guitar

差點忘了 公佈謎底 : 夢十七洗面乳

(聽歌就好 不要翻譯了 免得又變成色老頭...)
